18 years ago today ‘Something Funny’ (Ed) was putting his best hoof forward in Le Lion-d’Angers and winning a bronze medal.
But what no one knew was that I was riding with severe depression and crying in the lorry between phases in pain and agony.
I wanted to die, yet society told me that mental illness was not a plausible reason to stop, so I forced myself to carry on and compete. It is an event that holds mixed memories and all sorts of heightened emotions.
Nearly two decades later, Ed and I had a chat about it yesterday.

We agreed that since he’s cheated death with colic surgery (30% chance of survival in 2008), 2 bowed tendons & stem cell treatment, and I’ve survived 3 psychiatric hospitals, numerous bouts of crippling depression, mania, trauma, and brutal suffering, it’s a miracle that either of us is still here!
We came to the conclusion that even though it’s been hell on Earth, we’re just grateful to still be here and finally have our health.
We have our hay, and water and we don’t ask for much else!
Sometimes the most well deserved medals are not made of gold, silver or bronze; they are the invisible ones that are etched out and engraved silently, and only exist on our hearts!
So grateful to still have this special horse with us!

#remission #survival #bipolarsurvivor #leliondangers #horseandhound Horse & Hound Thanks for reading,
Speak to you soon,
